Selecting that perfect chair

Selecting that right chair for your personal office space can be a daunting task, especially with so many styles and types available. You want the comfort and support, but you also need the correct style and colour to match your space.


So here's the story, you have decorated your office and are proud of your accomplishment. Now finally you have one more decision to make..... the office chair, the chair you know your going to be spending a lot of time in. You decide to go to a local retailer and upon enquiring about multiple chairs, it becomes clear the assistant only wants the sale and has no interest in your needs.


This has now become a laborious task, and that happy exciting feeling is quickly fading. You arrive home disappointed and tired that the office is not complete, so you decide to look online. 


Several hours later your no better off than when you left the store.........

Does this story sound familiar? 


The story above is not just your story but ours also, that is why we created British Chairs. Yes you may say to yourself "this is just like any other chair/furniture website", but we will be happy to prove this statement wrong. We pride our selves on customer service, "everybody says that" I hear you say well yes they do but they rarely mean it.

We are genuine people who have had the same experiences when it comes to buying furniture, so give us a call or chat with ourselves live online. Send us pictures of your office space, and tell us your needs and requirements. Our highly trained people will go above and beyond, to get you what you need.


Don't believe me?, or have not had the time to read my ramblings? Well we are only human and are all a little sceptical, So give us a call we promise you wont regret. Trust us we're good :)


Thank you

Joel - British Chairs 


P.s If you liked any of that how about some more reading?. links below :D

How to Make Your Office Homely?

Marylebone Chair Review

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